pay for homeworkhelpEach year I ask my clients to form a resolution for losing weight. The reason I ask them to do this is because it gives us something to shoot and look forward too.
It’s always exciting when you have a goal in place because it gives you a destination to how much weight you want to lose. If you don’t plan on where you want to go then how are you going to know how to get there?
Here are 3 tips for narrowing down your resolution for success:
- A lot of times when my clients are picking goals they pick a goal that’s way out of range to start. If you’re ultimate goal is to lose 100 pounds, your mini goal should be something you can achieve quickly.So let’s say you wanted to lose 100 pounds ultimately, then your mini goal for the first month should be at least 16 pounds of weight loss.
This way you can achieve a goal to move 1 step closer to your ultimate goal. Then goal number 2 would be to lose another 16 pounds, which would give you a total of 32 total pounds lost if you achieved your mini goals.
- Having the proper goals set without enough knowledge to lose weight efficiently is another common theme.Just knowing you want to lose weight is not enough to actually achieve your weight loss goals. You have to have a well-planned out plan that is guaranteed to help you succeed. You don’t have to become an expert but there are certain tips and tricks you need to know to start seeing immediate results.
You need to know how much food you need to eat each day and of what types. Also you need to learn how to eat your favorite foods while still losing weight. There is a strategy behind how it works.
- The last problem is knowing the knowledge and having trouble putting it into action. Sadly this is another problem I see with clients trying to lose weight. They know the some of the right tips and tricks to losing weight however they don’t know how to use them properly for maximum results.That’s why I offer our Slim Down Smart community that is full of successful members and myself to help give people the extra push they need to start using the information properly to lose weight.
Slim Down Smart also has a step by step guide to losing weight efficiently without having to drastically change your lifestyle, which is why 96% of members who take action see successful results.
If you’re interested in seeing your weight loss results and dreams become reality then I want to invite you into Slim Down Smart to help you kick start the year off with the information you need to see results!