I get a lot of questions about the cost of the foods that Slim Down Smart recommends. New members of Slim Down Smart sometimes learn about new foods that they’ve never seen before at the grocery store, and immediately think that these foods are extremely expensive, but they’re really not and research proves it.
Lets compare a few different ways you can eat based on food quality. I put together the cost of eating healthy, eating crap, and eating at a restaurant. Below I have 4 meals priced out for breakfast, lunch, a snack, and dinner.
A Day Of Healthy Eating
3 Organic Eggs ($0.87), 1 Avocado ($1.50), 1 Banana ($0.59) $2.96
Sliced Turkey ($1.04), Cheese ($0.42), One Degree Bread ($0.68) Cost: $2.14
Avocado ($1.50), Red Onion ($0.05), Lime ($0.60), Tomatoes ($0.44) Cost: $2.59
Turkey ($1.20), Red Pepper ($0.25), Yellow Onion (0.20), Black Beans ($0.24), Chili Powder ($0.39), Cumin ($0.39), Tomato Sauce ($0.99), Garlic ($0.20) Cost: $3.86
Total Cost Eating Healthy: $11.55
A Day Of Processed Eating
Mini Wheats Cereal ($0.36) with Milk ($0.13) Cost: $0.49
Lean Cuisine $2.00
Doritos $1.33
Frozen Pizza $5.00
Total Cost of Processed Eating: $8.82
A Day Eating at Restaurants/Prepared Foods/Fast Foods
McDonalds Bacon, Egg & Cheese McGriddles $3.29
Taco Bell Smothered Burrito (Shredded Chicken), Crunchy Taco, and Large Drink $4.99
Pink Berry Medium Frozen Yogurt $4.50
Caesar Salad $9.99
Total Cost Eating at Restaurants: $22.77
As you can see eating at restaurants is the most expensive way to eat and one of the most unhealthiest, unless you make really smart eating decisions. The cost of unhealthy eating at restaurants is the most expensive set above. It is the most expensive and nearly double the cost of eating healthy organic foods.
One of the least expensive ways to eat was the processed food diet. This is literally eating the bare minimal, not getting many vitamins and minerals, and it feeds your body nothing but crap and chemicals that lead to disease. To spend only a couple dollars to get 100% healthier food makes a massive difference, which far outweighs the value of $2.
The processed way of eating may be even more expensive for you since it depends on the foods that you may be eating that are in the processed food category. If you’re eating “gluten free” foods, then you’re paying a premium on the foods you buy, which will easily be more expensive then eating healthy whole foods.
If you’re worried about saving a couple dollars a day, it is well worth the investment. Having better energy levels, a better mood, less inflammation, zero sick days, and improved focus will more than make up the for the extra $2 a day you would have to spend.
The only reasons I could see someone not eating healthy is because they’re addicted to junk, want to take the easy way out, have a medical condition, or care very little about their health. I know it can sometimes be hard to eat healthier because the prep time in some cases can take a little longer, but this is your health, you only have one body.
Fall victim to disease and your life could be crippled forever, leading to stress, medical bills, and depression. Eating processed foods has been shown to cause massive depression. In the long term, the processed food diet will be more expensive since medical bills will be higher and your cravings will become worse, causing you to want to eat larger portion sizes.
Eating a healthy diet is one of the best investments you can make. You will never go wrong investing in yourself. Don’t jeopardize your healthy to save a couple dollars. When it comes to your health, you’re worth it! ')}