Does The Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Really Work?

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Apple Cider Vinegar DietSo many new and old diets have come to light, but not all of them hold true to their claims. Some do fulfill their promises of rapid weight loss, while others do not even come close to their rumored benefits and with negative side effects to boot.

Finding the most ideal weight loss program for you isn’t just a matter of hearsay and empty promises. When it comes to your health, it’s much better to be safe than sorry.

Apple cider vinegar is used for killing weeds, making pickles, polishing armor, dressing salads and cleaning appliances. It has also been mentioned in ancient remedies as a cure to almost any ailment you can come up with. Apple cider vinegar with its many purported uses has also been known to be a health tonic with the ability to burn fat.

Nowadays, it’s not only sold as a condiment but a health supplement as well. Few uses of vinegar have been proven and even fewer have medical research to back up the claims.

People claim that consuming a small amount of apple cider vinegar everyday before meals curbs the appetite and can even burn fat. Though promising, the apple cider vinegar diet’s health benefits have little to no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Some medical uses of the apple cider vinegar diet include:

Cancer – Some studies have found that apple cider vinegar may have the power to kill or at least slow the growth of cancer cells. Eating vinegar has been associated with a decreased risk of cancer of the esophagus; conversely, it has also been linked to an increased risk of cancer of the bladder.

High cholesterol – A study conducted in 2006 showed lower levels of cholesterol in rats.

Diabetes – The effect of the apple cider vinegar diet on the body’s blood sugar is arguable one of the most promising among its purported health benefits. Several studies show that apple cider vinegar can lower the body’s glucose levels by 4-6%.

Consumption of apple cider vinegar is relatively safe; however it may cause some side effects such as these:

1. Since vinegar is acidic, drinking it in large amounts may irritate the throat.

2. Drugs such as insulin and diuretics may clash with apple cider vinegar, which could contribute towards lowered potassium levels or hypokalemia. Those with osteoporosis are advised to exercise caution.

3. Apple cider vinegar contains the chemical element, chromium, which has been known to affect the body’s insulin levels.

4. Apple cider vinegar may damage your tooth enamel if it is sipped. A handful of tablespoons of vinegar shouldn’t be too bad, but if you’re looking to drink it for an extended period of time, you could find yourself with weak teeth.

5. Those with allergic reactions to apples may be at risk from apple cider vinegar.

And the verdict is…

In my opinion, consuming apple cider vinegar is not an effective weight loss solution.

I don’t believe in the apple cider vinegar diet as a weight loss solution, as many of the studies that were conducted are still in their preliminary stages. They were tested on cells and animals in a laboratory setting. Larger, more widespread studies would have to be conducted for more conclusive results. It’s a hit or miss at this point, one that I don’t think is worth the risk.

Any health supplement that could increase the risk of any type of cancer doesn’t count as a health supplement in my book. It’s more like Russian roulette with your health.

If a health supplement’s health benefits are still shrouded in doubt, then it’s the same for its risks. Consult your doctor on the effectiveness of this health supplement when combined with other health conditions and medicines. The apple cider vinegar diet is sure to be around for years to come, but in the meantime, it’s time to lose weight the old-fashioned way—a healthy diet and hard work. ')}

Matt Green is a health and fitness expert who trains clients and helps anyone achieve the health and fitness goals they are reaching for. Matt has been into health and wellness for over 13 years. For more information please check out his short bio
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